Monday 20 October 2008

Sales Leadership Styles


Basic Profile: Extroverted and Organized

Who are they: Great decision makers who value doers and results. Has strong direct posture and communications.

Credibility to them is: On Time, Bottom line, Getting the task done, Results Orientated, Efficient, No Frills

Under Stress: My way or the highway attitude, Argumentative, Unbending

Leadership Strengths: Works harder under pressure. Commanding presence. Quick accurate decisions. Eye for the bottom-line.

Leadership Weaknesses: Can lead solely on title, not on relationship or empowerment. Can be insensitive and offensive to other styles. Not very personal, it’s always about the bottom line. Has a hard time delegating

To break credibility: Be late, be indirect, be too personal, break commitments, get emotional or stressed out, be too flashy, take too long to make decisions



Basic Profile: Extroverted and Disorganized

Who are they: Very expressive, great rapport builders and motivators, often very optimistic.

Credibility to them is: Wit, Humor, Big Picture Thinking, Flexibility, Recognition, Fun, Expressiveness,

Under Stress: Loses track of time and details, verbally attacks others, shifts the blame

Leadership Strengths: Naturally inspiring. Great starters, well networked with team and well liked, highly creative and intuitive.

Leadership Weaknesses: Lack follow-through, fails to maintain relationships, can be manipulated easily due to big need for recognition. Miss fine details needed for effective leadership. Thinks out loud before thinking about the consequences.

To break credibility: Criticize them or one of their ideas, be unexpressive or quiet, be too serious, be too rigid, dress in an understated way, be too focused on the little things and not the big picture



Basic Profile: Introverted and Disorganized

Who are they: Nurturing, supporting personality who values intimate relationships and connection.

Credibility to them is: Intimacy, Morality, Safe thinking, Family and Relationship Oriented, Easy Paced, Heart Felt

Under Stress: Fits in, Gets Highly Emotional, Feels very overwhelmed

Leadership Strengths: Consistent, very aware of each team member’s feelings, desires, hurts and passions. Great supporter and nurturer

Leadership Weaknesses: Too lenient on people, gives too much and can lose respect, too personal, easily emotionally affected, loses track of time and important deadlines, generally disorganized and attached to tradition.

To break credibility: Disrespect loved ones, make off color jokes about other people, be too flashy, hurt peoples feelings, make unethical moves.



Basic Profile: Introverted and Organized

Who are they: Detail orientated system builder. Highly quality conscious. Plans almost everything.

Credibility to them is: Accurate information, Detail, Staying the path, understating, statistics, planning, quality

Under Stress: Hides or retracts, Sticks to what is familiar, freezes or fails to take action

Leadership Strengths: Builds great systems, manages risk well, assesses risk well, accurate and well planned, humble and non-intrusive

Leadership Weaknesses: Too black and white in their thinking and can lack spontaneity and lateral thinking skills. Can take forever to make a decision. Can be boring or uninspiring. Holds grudges.

To break credibility: Be inaccurate or make assumptions, produce low quality work, be late, invade their personal space or bubble. Be too flashy.


The way to use these profiles is to identify where each of your team mates falls in the style grid and then begin to evaluate how you can more effectively connect with them by appealing to their core values while avoiding any major credibility killers.

This like any other skill takes time and may feel awkward at first as you shift your communication style to increase your leadership effectiveness. Over time with practice, you will find that shifting style and behavior becomes more and more natural for you and eventually it will become part of what you do at an almost unconscious level.

Remember your receptivity to others often determines their receptivity to you!

Shane Gibson is Executive Vice President of Knowledge Brokers International, a Global sales performance and leadership development company with offices in Vancouver, Johannesburg, and Cape Town. Shane can be reached at SHANE@SALESACADEMY.CA

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